Watch Full Trial

Sixteen Montana youth turned to the courts to protect their rights. Check back Summer of 2024 for video footage of the full trial.

Trial Day 1, Opening Statement

Trial Day 1, Fact Witness Testimony, Mae Nan Ellingson

Trial Day 1, Expert Testimony, Dr. Steven Running

Trial Day 1, Plaintiff Testimoney, Rikki H.

Trial Day 1, Plaintiff Testimony, Grace G.

Trial Day 1, Plaintiff Testimony, Eva L.

Trial Day 2, Expert Testimony, Dr. Cathy Whitlock

Trial Day 2, Plaintiff Testimony, Mica K.

Trial Day 2, Expert Testimony, Dr. Dan Fagre

Trial Day 2, Plaintiff Testimony, Badge B.

Trial Day 2, Expert Testimony, Dr. Lori Byron

Trial Day 3, Expert Testimony, Dr. Lori Byron

Trial Day 3, Expert Testimony, Shane Doyle

Trial Day 3, Expert Testimony, Michael Durglo, Jr.

Trial Day 3, Plaintiff Testimony, Sariel S.

Trial Day 3, Expert Testimony, Dr. Jack Stanford

Trial Day 3, Plaintiff Testimony, Taleah H.

Trial Day 3, Plaintiff Testimony, Georgi F.

Trial Day 4, Plaintiff Testimony, Kian T.

Trial Day 4, Expert Testimony, Anne Hedges

Trial Day 4, Plaintiff Testimony, Claire V.

Trial Day 4, Expert Testimony, Peter Erickson

Trial Day 5, Expert Testimony, Mark Jacobson

Trial Day 5, Plaintiff Testimony, Olivia V.

Trial Day 5, Expert Testimony, Dr. Lise Van Susteren

Trial Day 5, Plaintiff Testimony, Lander B.

Trial Day 6, Defense Witness Testimony, Christopher Dorrington

Trial Day 6, Defense Witness Testimony, Sonja Nowakowski

Trial Day 6, Defense Witness Testimony, Terry Anderson

Trial Day 7, Closing Statement

key documents


Expert Reports

    Official expert reports can be downloaded here by filling out the following form.

    These reports are provided courtesy of Our Children’s Trust, the nonprofit law firm who represented the Held v. State of Montana youth plaintiffs alongside co-counsel at the Western Environmental Law Center and McGarvey Law.

    By downloading these reports, you agree to the following terms:

    • These reports cannot be altered in any way, including removing watermarks or editing text.
    • These reports cannot be posted or shared online without the express written permission of Our Children’s Trust.
    • These reports, and the evidence presented by expert and fact witnesses described and quoted within, cannot be used in current or future litigation without the express written permission of Our Children’s Trust.


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    Please sign me up for the Our Children’s Trust mailing list to learn about future youth-led climate litigation and updates to this website.

    Trial Testimony

      Official expert testimony can be downloaded here by filling out the following form.

      These testimony are provided courtesy of Our Children’s Trust, the nonprofit law firm who represented the Held v. State of Montana youth plaintiffs alongside co-counsel at the Western Environmental Law Center and McGarvey Law.

      By downloading these testimony, you agree to the following terms:

      • These testimony cannot be altered in any way, including removing watermarks or editing text.
      • These testimony cannot be posted or shared online without the express written permission of Our Children’s Trust.
      • These testimony, and the evidence presented by expert and fact witnesses described and quoted within, cannot be used in current or future litigation without the express written permission of Our Children’s Trust.


      *required field

      Please sign me up for the Our Children’s Trust mailing list to learn about future youth-led climate litigation and updates to this website.