Youth Plaintiffs

Held youth plaintiffs’ voices and power resonated around the globe as they took the stand and held their government accountable to protect their rights to a safe climate, and a livable future.


Olivia V.

Age: 16
Hometown: Missoula, Montana

As a young Montanan, being outside and appreciating the beauty of nature is an essential aspect of Olivia’s life. Year-round, she goes on hikes in the surrounding trails in Missoula, and in the late spring and summer, she loves to visit Flathead Lake, Salmon Lake, Seeley Lake, the Clark Fork River, and the Blackfoot River.

It was in her 6th grade science class when Olivia first recalls understanding what climate change would mean for the future. “My teacher informed us that the children of my generation would not be able to see the glaciers in Glacier National Park; my generation would be among the last.”

Olivia’s love for her hometown and nature has led her to take climate action by organizing with Seedlings for Solidarity, a mutual aid project expanding equitable access to seeds and seedlings, as well as organizing Missoula’s Sunrise Movement hub where her community has elevated the urgency of climate change, grown local participation in climate activism, and challenged local politicians’ involvement with fossil fuels.

Olivia was diagnosed with asthma in the 7th grade and, as the climate crisis continues to accelerate, so do the wildfires that fill the great Montana sky with smoke, making it harder for her to breathe, hike, and recreate outdoors.

I am doing what I can to reduce my own environmental impacts, but I know that the state of Montana has much more control over the problem than I do, and it needs to stop promoting fossil fuels and address the climate crisis.

—Olivia V.